机组特点: 机组保护功能齐全,标配逆缺相、高低压、热过载、低液位、防冻保护等 The unit include inverse phase,high and low pressure,thermal overload,low level,antifreeze protection,etc 采用高强度整体焊接框架 The unit use high strength welded frame 采用欧美日进口品牌压缩机 Imported brand compressor from Europe and Japan 水箱及水管路部分采用不锈钢SUS304 The water tank and water pipe made of stainless steel SUS304 制冷阀件采用丹佛斯、艾默生、斯波兰等**品牌 The refrigeration valve from Danfoss,Emerson,Sporlan and other well-known brands 电气部件采用ABB、西门子、等**品牌 Electrical components supplied from ABB,SIEMENS,Schneider and other famous brands 标配远程开关机接口及综合故障传输接口、可选Rs485等通讯功能 The standard unit has remote switch interface and fault transmission interface,Rs485 communication function is optional 控制方式采用微电脑自动控制或PLC控制 Adopts microcomputer automatic control or PLC control 冷媒可选R22、R407C、R404A、R134A、R410A等 Other refrigerants can be selected,such as R22,R407C,R404A,R134A,R410A etc 蒸发器可选不锈钢板式、壳管式、盘管式、耐酸碱防腐蚀型等不同种类 Other evaporator type can be selected,such as stainless steel plate heat exchanger, shell and tube type,coil type and Acid and alkali resistant type 默认框架颜色 整机电脑灰